EX7-072-R - Seventh Fascination


Seventh Fascination

Seventh Fascination

Carte anglaise
Informations générales
Série EX07
Type Option
Couleurs Violet
Rareté Rare
Langue EN
Date Sortie 13/09/2024
Face Avant
Origines Seven Great Demon Lords
Coût en énergie 7


TrashYour Turn When any of your Digimon digivolve into [Lilithmon (X Antibody)], by returning this card to the bottom of the deck, activate this card's Main effects.
Main Until the end of your opponent's turn, give all of their Digimon "End of Your Turn Delete 1 of your Digimon."

Security Effect
Security Delete 1 of your opponent's unsuspended Digimon.

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