EX7-066-U - Chaos Triangular


Chaos Triangular

Chaos Triangular

Carte anglaise
Informations générales
Série EX07
Type Option
Couleurs Rouge
Rareté Peu Commune
Langue EN
Date Sortie 13/09/2024
Face Avant
Origines Three Musketeers
Coût en énergie 6


When effects trash this card from digivolution cards, 1 of your Digimon gets +3000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
While you have a [Three Musketeers] trait Digimon, you may ignore this card's color requirements.
Main Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 9000 DP or less. For each of your [Three Musketeers] trait Digimon with different names, add 3000 to this DP-deletion effect's maximum. Then, place this card as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your [Three Musketeers] trait Digimon.

Security Effect
Security Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 12000 DP or less.

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