DNA Digivolution Yellow Lv.6 + black Lv.6: Cost 0 Digivolve unsuspended with the 2 specified Digimon stacked on top of each other.
Barrier Blocker Partition ( Lv.6 & Lv.6) (When this Digimon with each of the specified digivolution cards would leave the battle area other than by your effects or a battle, you may play 1 each of the specified cards without paying the costs.)
When Digivolving De-Digivolve 3 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, 1 of their Digimon gets -8000 DP for the turn.
End of Opponent's Turn Trash the top card of both players' security stacks.
(Rule) Trait: Has [Boss] and [D-Brigade].
Barrier Blocker Partition ( Lv.6 & Lv.6) (When this Digimon with each of the specified digivolution cards would leave the battle area other than by your effects or a battle, you may play 1 each of the specified cards without paying the costs.)
When Digivolving De-Digivolve 3 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, 1 of their Digimon gets -8000 DP for the turn.
End of Opponent's Turn Trash the top card of both players' security stacks.
(Rule) Trait: Has [Boss] and [D-Brigade].
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